Sylvia Schramm’s work is part of the STRONG WOMEN series. The expressive pose of this woman with hat and skirt, are synonymous with the strength and courage to stand firm and defy even the most burning situations.
Through the technique of car paint and sandblasting on metal, the figure appears slightly three-dimensional and the background, which flames like a gemstone, almost penetrates her. Nevertheless, figure and environment are in balance and convey a strong aura.
Schramms artistic technique is digital painting, which she has developed into something unique with the knowledge gained from painting. The motif is printed onto a metal plate by means of a special, complex process, whereby a Coexistence between substrate and paint is created. Afterwards the picture plate is varnished with a layer of car paint and the surface is later sandblasted. A three-dimensional effect is created, which gives the motif further depth. As the incidence of light changes, this unique piece also changes the luminosity of its colours.
Gallery rail + steel cables + metal hook (hang in rear rail) or: Use dowels.